​​In Memory of Our Fallen Heroes

We are honored to have the opportunity to fly the following Veterans to their memorials in Washington D.C.

We ask you continue to honor the sacrifice and service by sharing their legacy. Roll over / click each image to read more about the lives of those who have made a profound impact on our Nation.
If a Veteran has passed on and participated on our flight, please email CEOHFA@gmail.com so that we may add them to our page.

Travis Budlongvicwatters2012-06-13 HFA - Matthews, Thomas WallaceHFA_Isabelle2118ltcolwilliamdonohuebaumanharry rogersthomey294984_395696643810024_232569288_nDad as Grand Marshaldeee6340f367b7f8f9aa91c62e114547bartleyhowellCharles " Kit" Kitowski : HFA # 18Larry Wynns: HFA # 19Jesse Scott : HFA #15scochyatesheidemannsmouseswansoncoffeyhopsonmolinaschultzgoodmanpat duncanPinner Doris USN WWIIweedenfreytagellisbanasaujackravenBob-Germuskadyeruth lumbrabeardyoungJames McCorquodalejaime group - KoreaNeundorffjaramillohillhudgeonsbill campbellthorntonrobert leesappintgoncreelstanley johnsonskjelbostadhall2catesparkerLevingstonroman kyrishgranthargrovewhartonray halliburtonkauffman053-204tom-andersonkramerolsenlynnhermanwadsackmilt-morgandixonpostfrenchieloran-jonesschillersjack-hittjoe-barberbuddy-wiegandbill-richhawthornefloresdunningweitzel 1jack joinerCalawaykeeneyHenry Franklinwalter stanford ​​​​​​​​


Flight #96: March 21- 22, 2025
Flight #97: April 25 - 26, 2025
Flight #98: May 30-31

Contact Us
For more information on Honor Flight Austin and our flights for Veterans, fill out our form on the Contact page.

Honor Flight Austin PSA