Feel free to share the news! We’ve had some amazing folks show up to welcome home our WWII Veterans at ABIA. We can’t thank you enough for showing your support. It’s humbling to see our community honor the service and sacrifice of our WWII Veterans.

Saying thank you to our Austin area WWII Veterans

Honor Flight Austin is taking off on its next 2013 spring flight this Friday – May 17th, taking 35 Austin area WWII Veterans for a 2 day trip (we call an experience) to see their memorial in Washington, D.C.

SWA Flight Info:

 May 17              #2711              AUS / DCA                  12:30pm departure     4:40pm arrival            

 May 18              #2800              DCA / AUS                    5:25pm departure     8:00pm arrival            

Please join us for our welcome home ceremony on Saturday May 18th at 7:30PM – at the upper level SWA ticket counter area at ABIA. 

Ron McDavid and Kris Shelstad are the point of contacts for our welcome home event – Ron McDavid (512)284-1434 orrmcdavid@gpstrategies.com – Kris Shelstad kristine.shelstad@gmail.com


New Honor Flight Austin PSA: